SAVE THE DATES! Thurs. July 10, 17, & 24 @7:00PM
Stay connected and up to date by liking and following our social media pages and subscribing to our "LSCO’S Stay Tuned! News" (latest edition linked above). These are the spots to find and follow the live action of the LSCO and receive exclusive updates, like special messages from the LSCO Board of Directors about the upcoming season!

LSCO Wraps Up 2024 Fall FUN-d Drive ~ Thank YOU for Supporting Us!
We couldn’t do this without you! 🍁 We want to share our heartfelt “Thank You!” for your incredible support during our Fall Fun-d Drive. You’re making a difference, and we are beyond grateful for each donation! The drive may have ended, but the need for your support continues to provide exciting artistry and quality entertainment to our patrons and beyond! Please visit our "Contribute" to learn how to stay involved.

Scholastica Convenes Local Leaders: LSCO Invited to a Seat at the Table
Read the latest edition of "LSCO’S Stay Tuned! News" to learn more!

We Need YOU!
Along with the ever vital financial support, we’re looking for help with the hands-on efforts to champion the LSCO! There are many impactful options for you to choose how to lend a hand. We look forward to teaming up with you to enhance our vision!